AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual
AG-168V SIP GATEWAY Appearance Introduction:...................................................... 2
Features ................................................................................................................................ 2
Function Keys of AG-168V SIP GATEWAY Introduction........................................... 3
Standard and Protocol......................................................................................................... 4
Operating requirements ...................................................................................................... 5
Electric requirements........................................................................................................... 5
Size ........................................................................................................................................ 5
Installation ............................................................................................................................. 6
Configuration......................................................................................................................... 6
GATEWAY Keypad set........................................................................................................ 6
Configured by WEB ............................................................................................................. 7
Configured by PalmTool.................................................................................................... 23
Telnet Configuration........................................................................................................... 23
Use AG-168V Gateway..................................................................................................... 41
Upgrade AG-168V SIP GATEWAY................................................................................ 43
AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
ꢀ Indicator light and function
Power on ,indicating power
communicaing flash,
Registered off, not registered flash
voice indicating “local ip ” , refer to “GATEWAY Keypad set” chaptor
set different way of internet connection, refer to “GATEWAY Keypad set” chaptor
Set static ip address when in “static mode ”
enable AG-168V into “setting mode ”, refer to “GATEWAY Keypad set” chaptor
Main chip—pa1688PQ 50MHz
Data Memory—1MB SDRAM
Program Memory—2MB Flash memory
Ethernet Jack—1 10M jacks
FXS Port-1 FXS Port for Tel
Line Port -1 Line port for PSTN
AC/DC adapter—Output 12V DC, 450mA
ꢀ Software
DHCP support for LAN or Cable modem
PPPoE support for ADSL or Cable modem
Set GATEWAY by HTTP web browser (IE6.0) or Telnet
Upgrade by FTP
Support major G.7XX and gsm610 audio codec
AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
Dynamic voice jitter buffer
G.168/165 compliant 16ms echo cancellation
Tone generation and Local DTMF re-generation according with ITU-T
E.164 dial plan and customized dial rules
100 entries for quick dial
Voice prompt
ꢀ Standard and Protocol
Gateway supports following standard and protocol:
IEEE 802.3 /802.3 u 10 Base T / 100Base TX
Major G.7XX and gsm610 audio codec
TCP/IP: Internet transfer and control protocol
RTP: Real-time Transport Protocol
RTCPꢀReal-time Control Protocol
VAD/CNG save bandwidth
DHCPꢀDynamic Host Configuration Protocol
PPPoEꢀPoint to Point Protocol over Ethernet
DNSꢀDomain Name Server
TelnetꢀInternet's remote login protocol
FTPꢀFile Transfer protocol
HTTPꢀHyper Text Transfer protocol
ꢀ Operating requirements:
Operation temperature: 0 to 50°C (32°to 122°F)
Storage temperature: -30°to 65°C (-22°to 149°F)
Humidity: 10 to 90% no dew
ꢀ Electric requirements:
Voltage: 9V~12V DC
Power adapter: DC 12V/450mA
AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
Network interface:1 RJ-45 Ethernet Connectors
FXS:1 RJ-11 For Tel
Line:1 RJ-11 For PSTN
ꢀ Size
150 x 110 x 28 mm (L x W x H)
ꢀ Installation:
Connecting to network: connecting one side of the cable to the lan port of AG-168V,
the other side to PBX or HUB or ADSL and Cable Modem’s lan port..
Connecting to phone: Insert one side of RJ11 line to the Tel port of AG-168V ,
the other side to the phones’ interface. Connecting the Line’s port of
AG-168V to PSTN line. Power on with the adaptor from the packaging.
AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
ꢀ Configuration
Two different ways can be used to configure AG-168V H323 phone:
phone web browser, Telnet commands on computer.
ꢀ Phone Keypad setup
Using the keyboard of the normal phone connecting to AG-168V FXS
port and the “IP key” , which can preset and enter into “Setting mode” ,
operation as below:
with handset of FXS port ‘s phone hung, press IP ,voice promt “local ip”
with handset of FXS port ‘s phone hung, press default password, then
input the number of X + “ IP” button in order to set different network
1234+X+ IP
X valued 0 = stataic IP; 1 = DHCP ; 2 = PPPoE; 3= modem
3 with handset of FXS port ‘s phone hung, press default password, and
press “ IP” button, enter “setting mode”
1234+ IP
4 with handset of FXS port ‘s phone hung, press default password, then
AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
input the ip address, press “ip ” button . Using the button
of * for —,
+ IP
ꢀ Configured by WEB
Double click
icon to open the IE browser. Input the IP address of the GATEWAY
into address bar (
), and then input password of the
GATEWAY into the following page. Default password 1234 is ordinary password and
super password is 12345678. With Debug set 0[disable], please input super password;
while Debug is not set as 0[disable], please input ordinary password. Then
button. The following configured page wills popup. Refer to Fig 3.1
AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
Fig 3.1 Http Setting
Network Setting
Fig 3.2 Network Setting
iptype: Set how IP GATEWAY gets relevant network parameters by selecting
corresponding item from drop down list.
static ip: Select this item to authorize users set IP address, subnet mask and
router IP address of IP GATEWAY manually.
dhcp: Select this item to enable DHCP mode. With this system, your LAN or router
automatically assigns all the required network parameters to any device connected
to it when the device log on. AG-168V IP GATEWAY is shipped from the factory
with DHCP on. So, if you’re LAN or router is configured to use DHCP addressing,
the IP GATEWAY’s LAN parameters will automatically be configured as soon as it is
connected to the LAN or router and powered up.Default IP address of the AG-168V
pppoeꢀThose ADSL and Cable Modem users please select this item for it is a
protocol especially designed for them. With this system, ADSL ISP automatically
assigns all the required IP parameters to any device connected to it when the
device log on
modemꢀIf the IP GATEWAY used with modem, please select this item to get
AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
relevant network parameters auto. Then please fill ID and pin into ppp id and
ppppin fields
ppp id: With pppoe or modem selected in iptype drop down list, please enter the
user name here.
ppp pin: With pppoe or modem selected in iptype drop down list, please enter the
password here.
local ip: With static ip selected in iptype drop down list, please enter IP address of
subnet mask: With static ip selected in iptype drop down list, please enter
subnet mask of IP GATEWAY here
router ip: With static ip selected in iptype drop down list, please enter router IP
address of IP GATEWAY here
dns: With static ip selected in iptype drop down list, please enter IP address of
DNS server here
dns 2: With static ip selected in iptype drop down list, please enter IP address of
backup DNS server here
mac: MAC address is the physical address supplied by the Ethernet NIC.
AG-168V GATEWAY is shipped from the factory with a unique algorism MAC
address printed on the back of the base
AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
Protocol Setting
Fig 3.3 Protocol Setting
use service: Enable/disable service by checking/clearing this box.
To make calls through gatekeeper, please check this box; otherwise, GATEWAY can
only make IP-to IP calls or calls through gateway
register ttl: IP phone will send a keep-alive registration message to SIP proxy
server every “register ttl” seconds. The minimum value is 10, maximum value is
65535. Default is 60.
service type: This option is used to accommodate the miscellaneous
requirements of the system providers. When IP GATEWAY is connected to these
systems, please select the corresponding service type.
commonꢀno special requirementsꢀ
huawei: use huawei’s systemꢀ
zte: use zte’s systemꢀ
harbour: use harbour’s systemꢀ
utstarcom: use utstarcom’s systemꢀ
uptech: use uptech’s systemꢀ
AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
kaimenꢀuse kaimen’s systemꢀ
mediaring: use mediaring’s systemꢀ
italkbb: use italkbb’s systemꢀ
stanaphone: use stanaphone’s systemꢀ
net2phone: use net2phone’s systemꢀ
fwd: use fwd(freeworlddialup) systemꢀ
ipphonex: use ipphonex’s systemꢀ
sipphone: use siphone’s systemꢀ
ngtel: use ngtel’s systemꢀ
ayctel: use AycTe’s systemꢀ
SIP proxy: when user service write SIP Proxy Server URI.
Domain/realm : set SIP serve address domain
nat traversal: When the IP GATEWAY with private IP address need communicate
with other IP GATEWAYs in a different LAN or on Internet, please select an item from
dropdown list to set the proxy used by the GATEWAY.
disable: Select this item when the log in server and IP GATEWAY in the same
LAN, or the log in system supports the IP GATEWAY working behind the LAN.
enable: When the system does not support IP GATEWAY working behind the
LAN, please select this item to search public IP address of the NAT device. With
this item selected, “nat addr” field will be activated. Besides, port mapping (port
forwarding) needs to be properly set up on NAT device.
Stun: When Stun used for appendix for cross NAT , choose STUN. nat add will
be activated.
nat addr: When “nat traversal” is set to “enable”, please put the domain name of
the servers ( These web server helps to find out the public IP of the IP GATEWAY)
nat ttl: When IP GATEWAY sit behind a NAT device, it will send packets to server
AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
every “nat ttl” seconds to keep the port mapping on the NAT device alive. “nat ttl” is
an integer between 10 and 65535 .default value is 20.
phone number: set local ID
account: set aaa@bbb format account register
pin: set password
register port: The local UDP port registered with server to accept incoming
handshaking messages. Default is 5060
rtp port : RTP port is the port transferring and receiving voice packets using UDP
protocol. This is an even number between 1024 and 65535, can’t be the same as
“register port”.
rtp tos: Set the TOS field of the IP header of the RTP packets. The bigger this
value is 0, the higher priority the packet is.
local type: This parameter refers to how IP GATEWAY authenticate itself to the
gatekeeper. The meaning of each item is as follow:
auto: use support automated negotiate authentication account and pin about MD5
or CAT .
md5: use MD5 authentication account and pin.
cat: use CAT authentication account and pin.
sha1: use SHA1 authentication account and pin.
call type: Set call type by selecting the items in drop down list.
normal: Call out in normal way by selecting this item.
advanced: Call out in faststart and tunneling way by selecting this item. It is a
AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
recommended way with SIP protocol used
dtmf: Set DTMF signal sending way by selecting control string, inband audio,
signal keypad or rfc 2833 ,sip infofrom list box
dtmf payload: set use RTP send DTMF’s RTPꢀthe value range is 96-101ꢀ
register ttl : IP GATEWAY will send a keep-alive registration message to SIP
gatekeeper every “register ttl” seconds. The value range is 10-65535. Default is 60.
Super password : Set super password. Default is 12345678
debug: Set the debug level of the GATEWAY.
disable: Disable output the debug message by selecting this item.
output: Output the operation information to the window, such as register, input
by selecting this item.
output all: Output all debug information and data in test window by selecting this
remote debug: Save the debug information in SDRAM of IP GATEWAY by
selecting this item.
no check: Disable checking firmware tags when upgrading. This is not
suggested, because it will increase the risk of upgrading the wrong firmware into
phone settings:
AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
Fig 3.4 phone Setting
use dialplan: Set whether use dial plan or use dial number by selecting the
corresponding item in drop down list.
disable: Do not use dial plan or dial number by selecting this item.
enable: Use dial plan by selecting this item.
dialnum: Use dial number by selecting this item. With this item selected, please
enter the dial prefix into dial number field.
prefix: Use 179XX service by selecting this item.
Hotline: Use Hotline function by selecting this item. With this item selected, please enter
the hotline number into dial number field.
dial number: With dialnum selected in use dialplan drop down list, please
enter the dial prefix into this field according to requirement of log in server. For
example, with eTalk card used, enter 00 here.
ddd code: With enable or dialnum selected in use dialplan drop down list, set
area code according to E.164 dial rule. For example, Beiing 10; Shanghai 21.
idd code: With enable or dialnum selected in use dialplan drop down list, set
country code according to E.164 dial rule. For example, China 86; U.S.A .1.
idd prefix: With enable or dialnum selected in use dialplan drop down list, set
international call prefix according to E.164 dial rule, such as 00.
AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
ddd prefix: With enable or dialnum selected in use dialplan drop down list, set
long distance call prefix according to E.164 dial rule, such as 0.
inner line: Enable/disable innerline call by selecting corresponding items from
dropdown list.
disable: Disable call innerline by selecting this item.
enable: enable call innerline by selecting this item.
omit prefix Enable , ingnore the number of the inner line prefix , cooperated
with special system
inner line prefix: default is 0
nonlocal prefix: With enable selected in innerline dropdown list, please fill the
number switching to long-distance call, such as 9
Call waiting: Enable/disable call waiting by checking/unchecking the box.
Use digitmap: Enable/disable digit map by checking/unchecking the box.
forward number: Enter receiving forwarded calls GATEWAY number into this
field; If the IP GATEWAY used with modem, with modem item selected in iptype list
box, and then fill ISP number into this field.
fwd poweroff: Forward calls if power off by checking this box. Please enter
receiving forwarded calls GATEWAY number into fwd number field.
fwd noanswer: Forward calls without replying by checking this box. Please enter
receiving forwarded calls GATEWAY number into fwd number field.
fwd always: Forward all calls by checking this box. Please enter receiving
AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
forwarded calls GATEWAY number into fwd number field
fwd busy: Forward calls if busy by checking this box. Please enter receiving
forwarded calls GATEWAY number into fwd number field.
answer: Enter a number from 0 through 60 to set the entries of the seconds before
the GATEWAY answer the call auto or forward the calls.
handset in: Drag the slider to adjust the volume of handset input. Drag it to the left
to reduce the volume; while drag it to the right to increase the volume
handset out: Drag the slider to adjust the volume of handset output. Drag it to the
left to reduce the volume; while drag it to the right to increase the volume
Dual mode set AG-168V FXS PSTN portꢀ
disable AG-168V FXS Not user PSTNꢀ
PSTN first set AG-168V FXS first user PSTN callꢀ
IP first set AG-168V FXS first user ip callꢀ
dual mode prefix set dual mode prefix IP firstꢀset PSTN prefix
Audio settings:
Fig 3.5 Audio Setting
vad: Enable/disable VAD (voice activity detection)
agc: Enable/disable AGC.
aec: Enable/disable VEC
codec1: Set the priority 1of the audio compression algorithm. The options are
g729ꢀg7231ꢀg711uꢀg711a and gsm.
codec2: Set the priority 2of the audio compression algorithm. The options are
AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
g729ꢀg7231ꢀg711uꢀg711a and gsm.
codec3: Set the priority 3of the audio compression algorithm. The options are
g729ꢀg7231ꢀg711uꢀg711a and gsm
codec4: Set the priority 4of the audio compression algorithm. The options are
g729ꢀg7231ꢀg711uꢀg711a and gsm.
codec5: Set the priority 5of the audio compression algorithm. The options are
g729ꢀg7231ꢀg711uꢀg711a and gsm.
g.723.1 high rate: enable/disable g.723.1 high rate. G.723.1 high rate is 6.3kbps,
low rate is 5.3kbps.
Other settings:
Fig 3.6 Other Setting
password: Set the password of the GATEWAY. (Default password is 1234).
Upgrade type: user FTP upgrade
disable: Disable output the debug message by selecting this item.
all: check hard type upgrade.
mac: check mac address auto upgrade.
Ppp id: check pppid auto upgrade.
account: check account auto upgrade.
AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
Phonenumber: check phonenumber auto upgrade.
upgrade addr: Put IP address or domain name obtained by ISP of FTP server
supplying upgrade program into this field.
nts ip: Fill IP address of time server here.
use daylight: Enable/disable daylight
timezone: Select correct time zone in list box
When debug set as 0[disable], if input ordinary password (default one is 1234), then following page
will pop up after clicking . And only those parameters can be modified.
Fig 3.7 Setting Page using ordinary pin with Debug set as 0 [disable]
Update: Click this button to save the configuration and the GATEWAY will reboot.
Once the GATEWAY reboots successfully, the new configuration is effective.
Note After entering set page, if Update button is not clicked within 5 seconds, then
when you click it again, the index page asking for pin will pop up again. Then
please input the password again to enter the set page and then click Update
AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
button to confirm the modification.
Click this button to open the speed dial settings page. Please refer to Fig
phone Book:
3.7. In this page, you can set and save the speed dial number by typing the name into the
Name field and then entering the corresponding number following the name. For example,
input Jack in Name field following 001, and then input 5989426454 into GATEWAY
number field. Then Jack’s number 5989426454 is saved in GATEWAY book. Then please
click Save/Back button. In normal state, you can use speed dial to call numbers saved in
Fig 3.8 GATEWAY Book Illustration
Upgrade Program: Click this button to update the program of IP GATEWAY. Before
updating, please fill IP address of FTP server into upgrade addr field, and then click this
button. Then the GATEWAY will read the corresponding bin files from the server and then
load into the GATEWAY
Update Digitmap: Click this button to update the digitmap of the GATEWAY. Before
updating, please fill IP address of FTP server into upgrade addr field, and then click this
button. Then the GATEWAY will read the corresponding map files from the server and then
load into the GATEWAY.
Note Please refer to PalmTool User Guide to learn how to write digitmap or just
download TXT file from our site. Then please save it as “GATEWAY”
file, such as
ꢀ Configured by PalmTool
PalmTool is a tool designed especially to configure and upgrade the PA168 IP GATEWAY. On a PC
AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
connecting with the GATEWAY or at the same segment of the GATEWAY, double click
open the PalmTool. The index page of PalmTool will popup.
icon to
a) Input the IP address of the GATEWAY into Local IP field (such as, and
then click “GATEWAY Settings” button.
From Version1.24, use PalmTool to set the IP GATEWAY, please set debug as output or
output all firstly, or PalmTool cannot connect IP GATEWAY. The parameters of PalmTool is
same as the parameters in HTTP, so please refer to HTTP set chapter to learn how to set
ꢀ Telnet Configuration
On the PC choose Start>Run, and then type telnet into Run field
in popuping Run dialog. Or input telnet in the DOS window. Then
the following information will be displayed
AG-168V V1.39 settings
Password :
Then please type password. With debug is set as 0[disable], if type ordinary password
(default one is 1234), after Retun, you will seeꢀ
Password : ****
If you type super password, then you will see:
Password : ********
Above information indicates that IP GATEWAY is under setting mode, and then you can set
the AG-168V IP GATEWAY by using the telnet commands.
AG-168V Telnet Commands Explanation
AG-168V Telnet Commands
Supply command name and parameters
AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
Display basic parameters of the AG-168V IP GATEWAY
Set parameters of the AG-168V IP GATEWAY
Save current settings to designated position
Load designated settings to current position
Exit from the setting mode without saving the configuration
Exit with saving all configurations and restart AG-168V
Ping other net parameter
The GATEWAY connects to FTP server and then get the files
Detail description of AG-168V Telnet commands
Syntax description: No optional parameter
Usage: Type command name and parameters following P:\> . Be used as the
keyword to supply keyword and parameters of the relevant commands.
Relevant usage: None
Detailed description:
List help of all commands
For example:
list settings
store x
load x
store current to xth settings
load xth settings to current
save settings
Command get
AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
Syntax description: No optional parameter of keywords
Usage: Display basic parameters of the AG-168V IP GATEWAY
Relevant usage: None
Detailed description:
Display basic running parameters of the AG-168V IP GATEWAY.
Input ordinary password without debug being set as 0[disable], or input super
password with debug set as 0[disable], then following parameters of IP GATEWAY
will be displayed:
AG-168V V1.39 settings
Password: ********
iptype 0[static]
subnetmask router
service 1[enable]
mac 00-09-45-65-a3-e6
servicetype 0[common] serviceaddr
serviceid [empty]
nattraversal 1[enable]
GATEWAYnumber 182378009 account [empty]
pin [empty]
controlport 6802
rtpport 6802
registerport 6800
registerttl 60
signalport 6800
rtptos 0
jitter size 0
calltype 1[advanced]
localtype 0[GATEWAYnumber]
dtmf 0[control
dtmfpayload 101
dialplan 2[dialnum]
iddcode [empty]
innerline 1[enable]
answer 5
dialnumber 17911
iddprefix [empty]
localprefix 0
dddcode [empty]
dddprefix [empty]
nonlocalprefix 0
ringtype 0[dtmf0]
fwdpoweroff 1[enable]
fwdbusy 0[disable]
audioframes 1
digitmap 0[disable]
fwdnumber [empty]
fwdalways 0[disable]
audiotype 0[g7231]
vad 1[enable]
fwdnoanswer 0[disable]
6.3k 1[enable]
agc 0[disable]
aec 1[enable]
handsetin 9
handsetout 21
speakerout 21
codec1 1[g7231]
codec4 4[gsm]
codec2 0[g729]
codec5 5[null]
codec3 2[g711u]
AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
password 1234
superpassword 19750407
upgradeaddr [empty]
daylight 0[disable]
timezone 55[(GMT+08:00)Beijing,Hong Kong,Urumqi]
Input ordinary password with debug set as 0[disable], following information will be seen:
AG-168V V1.39 settings
iptype 0[static]
nattraversal 1[enable] nataddr
rtpport 5144
registerport 5142
account [empty]
signalport 5142
pin [empty]
controlport 5144
GATEWAYnumber 182378009 fwdpoweroff 0[disable]
fwdalways 0[disable]
ringtype 0[dtmf0]
password 1234
fwdbusy 0[disable]
answer 5
fwdnoanswer 0[disable]
upgradeaddr [empty]
daylight 0[disable]
timezone 55[(GMT+08:00)Beijing,Hong Kong,Urumqi]
Command set
Syntax description: set keywords value
Usage: Used to configure password and other running parameters of AG-168V
Detailed description:
set iptype X
Set how IP GATEWAY gets relevant network parameters. X ranged from 0
through 3: 0: authorize users set IP address, subnet mask and router IP
AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
address of IP GATEWAY manually; 1: use DHCP mode. With this system,
your LAN or router automatically assigns all the required network parameters
to any device connected to it when the device log on. AG-168V IP
GATEWAY is shipped from the factory with DHCP on. So, if your LAN or
router is configured to use DHCP addressing, the IP GATEWAY’s LAN
parameters will automatically be configured as soon as it is connected to the
LAN or router and powered up; 2: use PPPoE mode. Those ADSL and Cable
Modem users please select this item for it is a protocol especially designed
for them. With this system, ADSL ISP automatically assigns all the required
IP parameters to any device connected to it when the device log on; 3: use
modem mode. Those who use IP GATEWAY with modem, please set the
value as 3.
set pppid XXX
With iptype set as 2, use this command to set ADSL ID; with iptype set as 3,
use this command to set Modem ID.
set ppppin XXX
With iptype set as 2, use this command to set ADSL pin; with iptype set as 3,
use this command to set Modem pin.
With iptype set as 0, use this command to set IP address of AG-168V IP
set subnetmask XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
With iptype set as 0, use this command to set subnet mask of AG-168V IP
set router XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
With iptype set as 0, use this command to set router IP of network with
With iptype set as 0, use this command to set IP address of DNS server.
set dns2 XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
With iptype set as 0, use this command to set IP of backup DNS server.
set mac XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX
Set MAC address of the
AG-168V IP GATEWAY. Parameter
xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx must be an HEX number.
set service X
Set register the gatekeeper or not. X ranged from 0 through 1. 0: do not
register; 1: register.
set service type X
Enable/disable the repaid and service system .choose the repaid server
provider. Parameter x ranged from 0 through 29:
0: common: disable repaid card; 4: use Mediaring service; 2: use eTalk card;
3: use Auvtech system; 5: use Ringtec service; 6: use Smartcon service; 7:
use dda service; 8: use vida service; 9: use citron system; 10: use asiasoft
system; 12: use zte system; 13: use huawei system; 16: use asiainfo system;
AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
17: use Lucent system; 19: use IPN system; 20: use yayuang system; 21:
use thinker system; 22: use suntek system; 28: use txtc system.
set serviceaddr XXXX
Set IP address or domain name of gatekeeper
set serviceid XXXXX
Set service ID according to required by service system
set nattraversal X
Set NAT traversal or not. X ranged from 0 through 7: 0: do not use. When the
log in server and IP GATEWAY in the same LAN, or the log in system
supports the IP GATEWAY working behind the LAN; 1: Use NAT traversal.
When the login system does not support IP GATEWAY working behind the
LAN, please use this value to search public IP address of the NAT device.
With this item selected, please make port mapping on NAT device; 2: With
Citron private protocol used, use this value to fit into the GnuGK system
transferring the voice and signal by router; 3: use this value with Innopath
private system used; 5: use this value with vida private system used; 6: aivgr
use this value with aivgr private system used; 7: use this value with Eproxy
private system used.
set nataddr XXXXX
Set IP address of NAT device wan port or URI of free assistant service (Such
AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
set natttl XX
Set NAT TTL XX is an integer between 10 and 65535 sec. default value is 20
Set a GATEWAY number of AG-168V IP GATEWAY . Value xxxxx must be
an Arabic numeral and no longer than 16 characters.
set account XXXXXX
While calling card is set, set account of chosen card; while local type is set
use authentication type, set user ID; while set localtype is set as 1, set SIP
While calling card is set, set password of chosen card; while local type is set
authentication type, set password
set registerport XXXX
Set register port. XXXX is range from 1024 through 6553
set signalport XXXX
This port is Q.931 port using TCP protocol. XXXX is range from 1024 through
set controlport XXXX
This port is H.245 port using TCP protocol. XXXX is range from 1024 through
AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
set registerttl X
Set register TTL. X is range from 10 through 65535 Sec. default value is 60
set rtptos X
Set TOS segment of IP head package in RTP digital follow.
set rtpport XXXX
RTP port is the port transferring and receiving voice flow using UDP protocol.
XXXX is range from 1024 through 65535
set jittersize X
Set buffer size of RTP package. X is range from 0-32
set calltype X
Set call type of the GATEWAY. X is ranged from 0 through 2: 0: call out in
normal way; 1: call out in faststart and tunneling way. It is a recommended
set localtype X
This command used to set how IP GATEWAY log in gatekeeper. X is
ranged from 0 through 6: 0: use GATEWAY number as E.164 and SIP ID to
login the GK; 1: use GATEWAY number as E.164 and designated SIP ID by
set account XXX command; 2:use support automated negotiate about MD5
or CAT authentication system.3:use MD5 authentication account and pin;4:
use CAT authentication account and pin; 5: use SHA1 authentication
account and pin.
set dtmf X
AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
Set DTMF relay type. X is ranged form 0 through 3: 0:control stringꢀ1:inband
audioꢀ2: signal keypadꢀ3:rfc 2833.
set dtmf payload X
When dtmf X select 3(rfc 2833).This parameter can be used indicating type
of RTP payload type. The value can be use integer 96-101.
set dialplan X
Enable/disable dial plan and dial number. Parameter X ranged from 0
through 4: 0: disable dial plan; 1: enable dial plan; 2: use dial number; 3: use
179XX service.;4: use hotline function.
set dialnumber XX
When set dialplan value set as 2, please use this command to set dial
number. For example, with eTalk card used, please set it as 00. When set
dialplan value set as 4, please use this command to set hotline number.
set dddcode XX
Set the area code when set dialplan value set as 1 or 2. For example, the
area code of Beijing is 10; the area code of Shanghai is 21, and the area
code of Chengdu is 28, etc. Parameter xxx must be an Arabic numeral and
no longer than 3 characters.
set iddcode XXX
Set the country code when set dialplan value set as 1 or 2. For example, the
country code of China is 86; the country code of USA is 1, etc. Parameter
xxxx must be an Arabic numeral and no longer than 4 characters.
AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
set iddprefix XX
Set IDD service prefix number when set dialplan value set as 1 or 2. For
example, IDD service prefix number of china is 00; IDD service prefix number
of USA is 1, etc. Parameter xxx must be an Arabic numeral and no longer
than 3 characters.
set dddprefix XX
Set DDD service prefix number when set dialplan value set as 1 or 2. For
example, DDD service prefix number of china is 0; DDD service prefix
number of USA is 1, etc. Parameter xxx must be an Arabic numeral and no
longer than 3 characters.
set innerline X
Set use innerline call or not. X ranged from 0 through 1: 0: disable; 1: enable
innerline call.
set localpreifx X
With innerline set as 1[enable] , please set the number switching to local
call, such as 9.
set nonlocalprefix X
With innerline set as 1[enable] , please set the number switching to
long-distance call, such as 9.
set answer X
Set the ring seconds before the GATEWAY answers the call auto or forward
the calls. X is ranged from 0 through 60.
set ringtype X
AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
Set types of ring. X is ranged from 0 tohrough 12: 0-9: ring as ordinary rings
in different frequency; 10: do not ring; 11: ring as music shipped from factory;
12: ring as music saved by user
set digitmap X
Set whether to use digitmap. X ranged from 0 to 1: 0: do not use digitmap; 1:
use digitmap.
set fwdnumber XXXXXXX
Set receiving forwarded calls GATEWAY number. XXXX must be an Arabic
numeral and no longer than 16 characters
set fwdpoweroff X
Enable/disable forward calls if power off. X is ranged from 0 through 1. 0: do
not forward calls if power off; 1: forward call if power off.
set fwdalways X
Enable/disable forward all calls. X is ranged from 0 through 1. 0: do not
forward all calls; 1: forward all calls.
set fwdbusy X
Enable/disable forward calls if busy. X is ranged from 0 through 1. 0: do not
forward calls if busy; 1: forward call if busy.
set fwdnoanswer X
Enable/disable forward calls without replying. X is ranged from 0 through 1. 0:
do not forward calls without replying; 1: forward call without replying.
set audioframes X
AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
Set audio frames in RTP package. X is Arabic numerals between 0 and 7.
set 6.3k X
With G.7231, set AG-168V IP GATEWAY to use 6.3K rate or not. X is
ranged from 0 through 1: 0: use 6.3K rate; 1: use 5.3K rate.
set vad X
Enable/disable VAD. X is ranged from 0 through 1: 0: disable VAD; 1: enable
set agc X
Enable/disable AGC. X is ranged from 0 through 1: 0: disable AGC; 1: enable
set aec X
Enable/disable AEC. X is ranged from 0 through 1: 0: disable AEC; 1: disable
set handsetin X
Set initial volume of handset. X is ranged from 0 through 15.
set speakerin X
Set initial volume of microGATEWAY of the base. X is ranged from 0 through
set handsetout X
Set initial volume of handout. X is ranged from 0 through 31.
set codec1 X
Set the priority 1of the audio compression algorithm. X is range from 0
AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
through 4: 0: g729; 1:g7231; 2: g711u; 3: g711a; 4: gsm.
set codec2 X
Set the priority 2 of the audio compression algorithm. X is range from 0
through 4: 0: g729; 1:g7231; 2: g711u; 3: g711a; 4: gsm.
set codec3 X
Set the priority 3 of the audio compression algorithm. X is range from 0
through 4: 0: g729; 1:g7231; 2: g711u; 3: g711a; 4: gsm.
set codec4 X
Set the priority 4of the audio compression algorithm. X is range from 0
through 4: 0: g729; 1:g7231; 2: g711u; 3: g711a; 4: gsm.
set codec5 X
Set the priority 5 of the audio compression algorithm. X is range from 0
through 4: 0: g729; 1:g7231; 2: g711u; 3: g711a; 4: gsm.
set password XXXX
Set password of the AG-168V IP GATEWAY. XXX must be ASCII
set superpassword XXXX
Set super password of the AG-168V IP GATEWAY. XXX must be ASCII
set debug X
Set open debugging message output grade for special tool. X is ranged from
0 through 5: 0: close debugging output; 1: output the operation information to
the window; 2: output all the bug information and data in test window; 3: save
the bug information into SDRAM; 4: disable checks the mark.
AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
set upgradeaddr XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
Set IP address or domain name of FTP server supplying upgraded program
set ntsip XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
Set IP address of time server.
set daylight X
Set use daylight or not. X ranged from 0 through 1: 0: do not use daylight; 1:
use daylight.
set timezone XX
Set time zone.
Command store
Syntax description: no keyword. Parameter ranged from 0 through 4.
Usage: Save the current settings to the designated position.
Relevant Usage: store 1
Command load
Syntax description: no keyword. Parameter ranged from 0 through 4.
Usage: Load the designated settings to the current position.
Relevant Usage: load 1
Command exit
Syntax description: no keyword and parameter
Usage: Exit from Telnet command window without saving the configuration
Relevant usage: None
Command write
AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
Syntax description: No keyword and parameter
Usage: Save the configuration and restart the AG-168V IP GATEWAY.
Command ping
Syntax description: ping IP address
Usage: ping IP address of other NAT device
Relevant usage: In telnet window, input pingꢀan IP addressꢀ and
return, then the result will be displayed. If the address is effective, ping OK” will
be seen; if the address is ineffective, nothing will be seen. Fox example
ping OK
Note Usually, the echo time of ping command is no more than 1 second. So if the
result is not displayed in 5 seconds, ping command is fail.
ftp command
Syntax description: ftp value
Usage: the system connects to the FTP server auto to get the corresponding file
and deal with it
Relevant usage: ftp X
X ranged from 0 through 2:
X-0: Connect to FTP Server to get the file of updating program and save it to the
SDRAM of the GATEWAY. Then the file can be read by PalmTool. This operation
aims at testing.
X-1: Connect to FTP Server to get the file of updating program and update program
Flash. This operation aims at updating program.
X-2: Connect to FTP Server to get the file of updating dial rules and update
program Flash. This operation aims at updating dial rule
Note When you use ftp 0 and ftp 1 commands, if the file get from FTP server is too large
or the net speed is too slow, then the process will not be seen in telnet window.
Please be patient. Using ftp command in telnet to get file spends almost same
minutes as getting file using GATEWAY. So if nothing is displayed after too long
time, it means that ftp is fail.
AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
Note All the Telnet commands of AG-168V IP GATEWAY should be written in low case
and the password is case sensitive.
ꢀ The usage of AG-168V FXS
ꢀ Receving calls
No matter what calls from IP or PSTN , the phone connecting to AG-168V FXS port
will ring . Mention you that there is call. You can pick up the handset or the speaker
of the normal phone.
ꢀ Call when Dual mode disabled
Call with phone number:
1ꢀ Dial with handset: pickup the handset, dial after dial tone
2ꢀ Dial with speaker: press speaker, dial after dial tone
3. Redial: press redial and call the last number
Call with ip address:
If not registered in gatekeeper and gateway disabled, dial with the ip address:
1. pickup the handset, call after dial tone, press # after numbers
2. Press speaker, input ip address after dial tone, press # after numbers
Notice: Dial with ip address, using * for — .
Call with GATEWAY
If registered in Gatekeeper dial the number.
Pick up the handset or Press speaker, dial the number after the dial tone
AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
and then press
ꢀ Call when PSTN first Dual mode enabled
Call PSTN number
When PSTN first setted, the way of dial is the same as normal PSTN phone.
Call voip number
Press the cradle or the flash key of the normal phone, enable AG-168 to be in voip
state from pstn first mode. Dial after the dial tone. Refer to “Call when Dual mode
disabled” chaptor
ꢀ Call when IP first Dual mode enabled
Dial voip phone
When ip first was setted , pick up the phone and dial as “Call when Dual mode
Call PSTN phone
Predial the prefix number in the “dual mode prefix”, AG-168V will change to
PSTN line, call after the dial tone.
ꢀ Emergency Call
When AG-168V is power off or in falure, the Normal phone would connect with the
PSTN LINE, work as the “LIFELINE” and call emergency number.
AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
ꢀ Upgrade AG-168V IP GATEWAY
ꢀ Telnet command to updating
Using telnet , connecting AG-168V FXS, input SuperPassword when registered.
Input ftp X command to update, the value range is 0-2 . detailed meaning is :
x-0 connecting to FTP server, getting the file to updating , and save in the sdram of
the phone. Read from palmtool in order to debug.
x-1 connecting to FTP server, getting the file to updating and refresh the firmware
x-2 connecting to FTP server , getting the file for the dial rule and refresh.
ꢀ Using HTTP
Using HTTP, connecting AG-168V FXS gateway , input SuperPassword when
, promt the page. Detailed operation refer to
“updating and dial rule chaptor” of “configuration through webpage”
updating through Palmtool
“IP ADDRESS ” , press the button of “phone settings” , change the “debug” to be “no
check” and save. After rebooting , press the button of “updating ” to get the newest
firmware to updating.
ꢀ Prepare Updated program through FTP
You can ask the server provider for the latest version of program.
ꢀ Operation
1. The service provider must have an FTP server. This server should allow anonymous
AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
2. The service provider needs to upload these files to the FTP server:
This file contains the phone’s firmware binary
This file contains the phone’s configuration settings
This file contains the phone’s digit map configuration
In the files above HardwareTag is phone’s hardware type, and is identical to the
string in the second line of the LCD display. ServiceType corresponds with the
“servicetype” field in the phone’s settings page. Protocol is the communications
protocol which the IP phone uses. XXX is the version number of the files.
For example if you support the PA168S phone, the “servicetype” is “citron”, the
firmware version is 1.35 and the phone settings and digit map version are both 1.32
then the files on your FTP server should be named as:
Important: The version number in the file name don’t include the sub version
number. For example, if the version is 1.40.007, then in file name, you should
write 140 only.
If the service provider doesn’t need to upgrade the digit map, it can be omitted from the
FTP server. This will not affect the ability to upgrade phones over the network.
3. All the terminals in the system will do the upgrade if you use the upgrade method in
item 2. But in fact, some customers want to upgrade a special terminal only. So this
way could not fit for this request. We do some modification based on the way in item 2
to provide more way to do the FTP upgrade.
In phone settings, there is a parameter “upgrade type”, the possible value for this
AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
parameter is "disable", "all", "mac", "pppid", "account", "phonenumber". When select
as "disable" the terminal will NOT do the auto upgrade when select as "all" then the
terminal will do the upgrade as item 2 when select as other value it will add more
check based on item 2’s rule. The detail rules are:
Ppp id
Phonenumb PA168S_citron_h323_phonenumber_135.bin
The red character is the content for the terminal to check. The configuration
settings and digit map file have same rules. By this way, we could upgrade a special
terminal by FTP.
When upgrade the configuration file, if you select upgradetype as “all”, then the
terminal will keep the network settings, account, pin, servicetype without changing;
but if you select other upgradetype, then the terminal will only keep network settings
and the parameter related with upgradetype without changing. Other settings will all be
rewrite as the configuration file. For example, if you select upgradetype as “account”,
then the terminal will keep network settings and account without changing. All other
settings, like phone number, pin, service type, will changed as the configuration file.
4. Customers must begin with firmware version 1.34 or later. First set the “upgrade
addr” field as the FTP service address(domain name or ip address are all OK) , and
ensure that the “servicetype” is same as the service provider requested. After the phone
is rebooted, it will connect to the FTP server automatically. It will then check the
filenames for type and version. If it finds the matching file with a later version than
that which is installed then it will perform an upgrade. If all three files have a new
version, the phone will upgrade in the following order: phone setting first, then digit
map after rebooting, and then firmware binary after rebooting again. If the server
version is not newer than current version in the phone, no upgrade is performed. This
guarantees that customers have the latest firmware installed at all times..
Since it may take about ten minutes to upgrade some kinds of firmware binaries, we need
customers to verify that they want to upgrade at this time. The phone will display “Sure to
Upgrade” on the LCD to prompt customers before it does the upgrade.The customers can use the
“Handfree” key to confirm it.
For the service provider, this system gives the flexibility to decide whether the latest
version contains changes worth supporting. For example if the current firmware is 1.34
AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
and there are no new features of use to them in our 1.35 and 1.36 versions, then they
don’t need to put these files on FTP server. The customers will continue to use version
1.34. However if we have some useful features in 1.37, then by uploading the new files
to the FTP server all customers will be upgraded at their next system reboot.
4. We also support manual FTP upgrades via the keypad on phones. If the service
provider decides to use this feature, the following files also need to be uploaded:
firmware binary
phone settings
digit map
Here HardwareTag is phone’s hardware type, as in item 2 above.
A manual firmware upgrade is performed by picking up the phone and pressing
Phone Password (default: 1234) + n + LocalIP_Key
If n = 5, the phone settings are upgraded
If n = 6, the digit map is upgraded
If n = 8, the firmware is upgraded
Reserves the right to make changes in technical and product
specification without prior notice.
AG-168V SIP GATEWAY User Manual (V1.42)
All rights reserved
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